Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Reality—The State of Things As They Actually Exist

In the past week Republicans have shown that they are even more out of touch with reality than we once thought. Maybe they don’t know that people pay attention to the fact that they are wrong or maybe they just don’t care. But what they don’t realize is that whatever they say is read and seen by millions of people. And that can come back at them.

From Rick Santorum’s recent attack on Obama calling his belief in income equality a policy of Marxism, to Representative Allan West’s invocation of the notorious Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, it seems that here is almost nothing that congressional Republicans are willing to say against Obama and congressional Democrats.

But the kicker comes not from any Republican in Washington or one of the GOP presidential candidates, but from a failed Tea Party politician in California. Jules Manson didn’t call Obama a socialist or accuse him of class warfare, but rather called for the assassination of Obama and his daughters. Not only did he openly advocate for the assassination of the President of the United States and his daughters, he did it on his own Facebook page.

Deliberately comparing the Democrats to one of the worst politicians in modern history and calling for the assassination of the president and his children go beyond dirty politics. While West’s comparison of the Democrats to the Nazis is purely disgusting, Jules Manson’s call for open season on the president and his family was just one of the stupidest things anyone could ever say, let alone post on their own Facebook page for the entire world to see.