Monday, December 5, 2011

Republicans Support Taxes? Oh, Wait, Never Mind.

While Republicans in Congress have been constantly stating their stonewall opposition to any sort of tax increase they have surprisingly agreed to Obama’s plan to extend the payroll tax cut. But while they agreed that it should be passed, the agreement comes with a caveat, per today’s GOP standards.

While the Democrats would like the tax cut to be funded by adding a 3.25 percent surtax on those making $1 million or more a year, the Republicans would like to put all of the weight on middle-class federal workers. Their plan would incur a pay freeze until 2015 on all federal workers and would slowly reduce the overall federal workforce by 10 percent, effectively putting over 200,000 people out of work just so millionaires could keep some pocket change.

While the Bureau of Labor Statistics has recently stated that the unemployment rate has dropped to a 2-½ year low, down from 9% to 8.6% with an additional 120,000 jobs added, the Republicans in Congress would rather continue to put more people out of work.

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