Saturday, November 19, 2011

And God Said, “Let There Be Pizza”

Previously posted 11/13/11

Everyone knows that hearing voices can be a bad thing. So how can Herman Cain explain how he heard God and he told him that he should run for President? How seriously should we take him? Say you heard a voice and believed it was God, and he told you to run for President, would you?

The man has had no political experience what-so-ever and here he is stating to a bunch of young Republicans in Georgia that the only reason he is doing this is because God told him to do it. He even compared himself to Moses! ( So did God give him the idea for his “9-9-9” tax plan? Because if he did, that is one of the largest loads any of the candidates has put forth as a potential tax reform. And if that’s the best that God can come up with, well then we should stop listening to him now because he seems to be losing his creative touch.

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