Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lies Are Facts, And Facts Are…Um…

As we all know Cain has been trying to play the blame game every time a new sexual harassment accusation came up. Recently, more and more Republicans across the board are blatantly lying, creating facts and twisting words all in the name of politics. Yes, politics has always been a dirty game, but the Republican party of the 21st century has become a political monster if ever I have seen one.

Claims of Newt Gingrich’s consulting firm, The Gingrich Group (how quaint), receiving up to $1.8 million from mortgage lender Freddie Mac came to light recently came to light. When the media first became aware of the payment and started asking questions, Gingrich did what every modern conniving politician does and tried to soften up the facts and blame the government. During the CNBC debate on November 9th, Gingrich claimed that Freddie Mac came to him for his “advice as a historian.” Funny thing is that his PhD dissertation in history was “Belgian Education Policy in the Congo: 1945-1960.” How Freddie Mac could have used a history lesson on colonial Belgian educational policies in the Congo during the Cold War is just beyond me.

During the recent Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii President Obama had a Q&A session where the moderator, Boeing Co.’s CEO James McNerney Jr., asked about impediments to foreign investment in the US. Obama answered by saying that the US is still the world’s largest recipient of foreign investments, but that the US has also “been a bit lazy…over the last couple of decades.” Despite the fact that Obama was talking about the lack of US investors trying to bring in foreign trade, the Republican party has jumped in the saddle and started playing with sound bites. Rick Perry has now brought the lazy comment to the limelight in a new ad that has recently aired (video at the end of the article).

On Friday, Herman Cain suggested that the Taliban are involved in Libya’s new government. Even after his flub on Monday when he was asked if he supported Obama’s foreign policy in Libya, he tried to pull another rabbit out of the hat and pulled out a pigeon instead. Since the US invasion of Afghanistan the Taliban have been disorganized and scattered throughout parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan. There is no evidence that the Taliban have spread out past this area especially into Libya.

And in other news, more of the same old claims about Obama’s healthcare law are now featuring celebrities. Pop and gospel singer Pat Boone, the national spokesperson for the conservative 60 Plus Association, is now the headlining voice in Ohio in the Republican’s campaign against Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown. The ad claims that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act involves a board of “unaccountable bureaucrats”, can “ration and deny certain Medicare treatments”, and “cuts $500 billion from Medicare.” The truth is that the 15 voting members of the Independent Payment Advisory Board will consist of doctors and other medical professionals, economists and health care management experts, and representatives for consumers and seniors. The law cannot ration health care or restrict benefits and the $500 billion cut is a cut in the overall growth of Medicare over the next 10 years, not a cut from any current Medicare spending.

Now lets see how lazy Rick Perry has been by not being able to put together a decent ad without having to use someone elses words:

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